A Special Appearance by the B.C. Debt Clock
There's a new government in Victoria and taxpayers are scrambling to answer the question: What does this mean for me?
Join Canadian Taxpayer Federation B.C. Director Jordan Bateman, along with CTF President Troy Lanigan and CTF VP Communications Scott Hennig, as we break down the election's ramifications for taxpayers, examine the challenges facing the Premier and Cabinet and look at what the next four years could hold for those of us paying the government's bills.
We'll recap our work in 2012-13 and how we have tangibly saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars this year along.
Plus a special appearance by the CTF's ultimate icon - the famed Debt Clock.
Last year's first-ever CTF B.C. fundraiser was a smash success - great outdoor venue, gorgeous summer weather, delicious barbecue steak buffet, down-to-earth people, and brass tacks conversations on how governments tax and send us. This year is going to be even better.