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    Practice Facility

All practice facilities are closed due to winter weather conditions.

Please call the Golf Shop for updates: 604-882-5132

Snowy Course
Snowy Starter Shed

Range Pricing

Number of Balls

Price (tax included)
25 Balls $5
60 Balls $11
100 Balls $16

Range Account Cards:

Hassle-free! Load, use, and reload. Don't forget, you can earn app rewards every time you load your range card!

Range Card Specials: buy more save more!

ValueYour Cost (tax included)Your Savings
$33.00 $30.00 10%
$56.00 $50.00 12%
$118.00 $100.00 18%
$245.00 $200.00 23%
$325.00 $250.00 30%
$516.00 $375.00 38%
$1,125.00 $750.00 50%

All prices include taxes 
